
The last few months have been crazy busy.

I moved to a new home.

Although I was very organized and prepared (control freak here), it was still pretty stressful.

The Monday after the move was the first day of school for my kids.

We also downsized into a smaller place.

I am very much a minimalist, but I still had a lot of things that I ended up donating.

I had an underlying feeling of nervousness for a few weeks leading up to, and also after the move.

Even with all of my normal daily practices in place, I couldn’t shake that uneasy feeling.

I was finally able to identify it as a lack of control… (shocker, I know)

The endless struggle with surrender and acceptance.

I can get so caught up in the illusion of control.

And really, it IS an illusion.

So I had to once again reel myself into the present moment and work on remaining there.

Everything is now put away and we are all settled in to our routine.

So I decided today is the perfect day to cleanse the new space.

A lot of people like to sage before they move their things into their new home, but I prefer to settle in first.

I definitely brought some chaotic energy with me here during the move and while we were unpacking.

It’s time to clear that away and make room for some calming energy.

I make my own smudging sticks and feathers that can be found here.

This is the smudging prayer that I use:


A clear mind and a clear space are helpful on the unclear path of life.

I’m still navigating through my BRN probation.

Almost five months in already!

I have moments when I want to be angry about it.

Like when I got the bill for drug testing the last two months (over $800 yikes).

Or when I have to have a log signed by a supervisor every morning that I work to confirm that I am not impaired.

I can be humiliated, or I can be humble and accountable for where I am today.

I choose humility over humiliation every time.

This won’t be forever.

There is always more to learn.

I am beyond grateful to have a job.

Working in Psych ICU is extremely intense and has been an incredible learning experience.

I truly love working with this under-served population.

I am being very mindful of rest and self-care on my days off because of the intensity of my work environment.

That is another lesson that I remain mindful of.

I never want to slip back into a state of burnout again.

So today began with meditation and prayer and a sage smudging ceremony.

Now I’m off to create some new jewelry for my shop :)

Reach out if you need support.

Sending love your way.