45 Things

I remember when 45 years old seemed like 90!

Now that I have arrived, it feels like my life is just barely revving up.

I can definitely attest to the fact that I am much more confident in who I am as a person than I was in my 30’s.

This last year has been one of deep reflection and letting go.

I decided to scour my journals and compile a list of the 45 things that I have learned in my 45 years on earth.

  1. Worrying about the opinions of others is a grand waste of time.

  2. Accepting life in the present moment really does makes things easier.

  3. Worrying takes the same amount of energy as having faith does.

  4. Your life is 100% your responsibility and this rule applies to everyone else too. It’s not your job to save anyone.

  5. It’s never too late to start over. Every single moment offers us the opportunity to choose differently.

  6. Staying away from your phone for a day can completely shift your attitude.

  7. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

  8. Being sensitive is a beautiful gift and not a curse.

  9. Vulnerability is strength and allows for deep human connection.

  10. Thread count (and organic cotton) matters. Don’t skimp on bedding.

  11. It’s ok to say you don’t like your kids sometimes. It doesn’t mean you don’t love the heck outta them.

  12. Focusing on breathing in times of stress can truly be magic.

  13. You will never change another person. It’s hard enough to change ourselves.

  14. Don’t be afraid to try new things. You won’t be good at everything, but you will be surprised at your hidden talents.

  15. Always have money in a savings account.

  16. Don’t compare your life with anyone else’s. We are all on separate paths for a reason.

  17. You don’t have to quit your job to follow your passion. It’s totally possible to do both.

  18. Never underestimate the value of a long walk outside.

  19. Be accountable for your choices. All of them.

  20. Be honest always. And I mean always.

  21. It’s ok if you don’t want to lead, but don’t be a follower. Think for yourself. Form your own opinions.

  22. Everyone is an artist. Find your art and do it more often.

  23. You always have something to be grateful for.

  24. Never take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from. Especially random people on the internet.

  25. Good sleep is one of the most important things in the world.

  26. Never stop learning. If something interests you, learn as much as you can about it.

  27. Two wrongs really don’t make a right. When someone treats you poorly, it’s a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves. Don’t personalize it. Be kind anyways.

  28. If you don’t ask, the answer will always be always no.

  29. Downsize. Purge. Get rid of crap. There is an immense weight lifted when you don’t have a lot of stuff.

  30. Always ask if they want it before you give your opinion to someone.

  31. Trust your gut! I cannot stress this enough. We all have an inner warning system. Listen to yours.

  32. Never say never. You have no idea what life has in store for you. Our lives can shift in an instant.

  33. You don’t have to teach your children everything. Let them experience life and natural consequences too.

  34. Most people won’t live up to your expectations. So chill out and be realistic.

  35. Be ok with being alone for any length of time. Loving your own company is priceless.

  36. Take care of your physical body right effing now. Drink water, exercise, eat well.

  37. Feelings come and go. As bad as something feels, it will always subside eventually.

  38. Your inner critic will always be with you, but you don’t have to listen.

  39. Whatever you didn’t get in your childhood you can give yourself as an adult. It is possible to fulfill your own needs mentally and emotionally.

  40. Get some therapy. Everyone needs a little time on the couch. One of the greatest forms of self-care is doing the inner work.

  41. Tell the people in your life that you love them. All the time. You cannot overdo this.

  42. It’s ok to not know something. No one can know it all. Learn to be ok with saying “I don’t know”.

  43. Everything is a practice. You don’t one day become a certain way and remain there without repeating behaviors.

  44. Don’t depend on anything outside of yourself to fill your voids. No one and no “thing” will every “complete” you. That’s an inside job.

  45. Let That Shit Go. Holding onto resentments is only hurting you. So let it go and move on already.

Cheers to the next 45 years!