An Unrestrained Life

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it” ~ Henry David Thoreau

I have a vision board in my bedroom.

I have had it hanging on the wall next to my bed for years now.

It hangs just below some wood art that says You are exactly where you need to be.

I put it there because I want to look at it every day so I don’t lose sight of what inspires me.

There have been times when I have cleared off my vision board out of frustration or merely just to have a fresh outlook on things.

I cover it with things that make me feel joy.

Spaces that I want to have in my home : a workshop and a green house.

Clothes that make me feel like my most genuine self: overalls and flowered rain boots.

Words and sayings that resonate at a deep level: authentic, holistic, harmony.

Life can get so overwhelming sometimes.

We often feel like we are being pulled in a million directions, and that can take the focus away from the important things.

I have spent a lot of time offline recently, off social media and living my real life.

Hanging out with my kids, watering our little garden and creating things for my shop.

When my Nursing Board Probation started a few months ago, it felt a bit suffocating.

Although I was mentally prepared for it, I was still bombarded with a lot of tasks that carried a heavy price tag as well.

I tackled one item at a time and even got a job.

I am thrilled to be able to practice my profession again.

But I am being extra mindful of my overall wellness.

As someone who experienced severe burnout before, I am well aware of my workaholic tendencies and where that leads me.

I am no longer interested in being restricted and restrained by a stressful and overwhelming career.

I have been given a wonderful opportunity to begin again with a different mindset.

I have a new mantra:

I am blessed to live an unrestrained life, to make a living that allows me to bend without breaking.

So here’s to moving forward with the ability to bend and not break.