Slowing Down On Purpose

There is so much information out there these days.

I feel like we are all being constantly bombarded by everyone’s opinion about how we should be living our lives.

I’m sure this barrage of opinions has a lot to do with the staggering rates of depression and anxiety.

An estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives.

The amount of pressure that we feel can be suffocating.

We live in a consumption-driven society.

Do more. Be more. Have more.

Life on a hamster wheel is exhausting.

So here’s some advice:


Make a conscious decision to step away from the hurried madness and slow down for a minute (or a day, week or month).

When is the last time you truly listened to your inner voice?

Not the inner critic. I’m sure that voice is constantly blabbing away in there.

I’m talking about the soft still voice inside that is loving and kind.

Your inner mentor.

I am really good at dismissing my inner mentor in the name of busyness.

I usually have to be in some type of pain to recognize the need for change.

My inner mentor will be screaming at me when I finally listen.

I am working very hard to change that.

I don’t want pain to be the only catalyst for change.

I want to slow down enough that I can direct my actions based on intention.

When I am rushing through life, I not only get exhausted, but I miss out on what is truly important.

So I have given myself permission to slow the heck down.

Four weeks of not putting pressure on myself.

An entire 30 days dedicated solely to active mindfulness and intentional self-care.

This doesn’t mean laying on the couch and having Netflix marathons (although I do support that on occasion).

I will exercise more, connect with nature, spend time with my kids, boyfriend and dogs, create when I am inspired, write, learn and teach.

I am a type A personality to the core!

I am genetically wired to strive towards goals and overwork to exhaustion to achieve them.

This is going to be a challenge for me and to be honest, it fills me with fear.

But I don’t want to be someone who arrives in my older years and feels like I rushed to get there and missed out on what was truly important.

I’m 44 years old.

If I take care of myself I could realistically live another 44 years…

The thought of that excites the hell out of me!

I am starting today with gratitude for my life exactly as it is.

No pressure to change a single thing.

Once you stop rushing through life, you will be amazed how much more life you have time for.

If you decide to slow down with me, please email me and let me know how it goes.

Slow down. Be present. There’s gold for you here.
