Knowing When to Walk Away

I quit my job this week.

Don’t worry, I gave proper notice of course.

I don’t ever want to burn a bridge.

But it really hit me like a freakin’ lightening bolt the other day that I have an incredible tolerance for pain and toxicity.

I can survive for long periods of time in the most horrific situations.


It’s not a good trait.

It’s a trauma response.

My work environment for the last nine months has been extreme, violent and overwhelming.

I spent my entire shift (plus hours after) with my sympathetic nervous system on overload.

Being in fight or flight for those long periods of time over the course of several days took a major toll on my body and soul.

I spent so much of my time off trying to heal from my work days and convince myself that this isn’t forever.

You can even see from my last post that I was trying my best to remain humble throughout this experience and learn as much as I could.

But to my own detriment.

The real lesson here is for me to listen to that still, small voice that shouldn’t have to scream at me.

The soul calling that was telling me to get the f*@$ out of there ASAP.

I do believe that we can do hard things, but that does not include allowing abuse under any circumstances.

I had never been so under-valued in any work environment in my life.

That, coupled with constant verbal and physical assault by the patients, made for a one star shit parade of a job.

So, peace out to that experience!

I choose to be brave and walk away.


There are times when we must persist.

But there are also times when it’s OK to walk far away from a person, place or situation.

I’m glad I did.

Now onto the next adventure!

To be continued…