Strength In Numbers

This past weekend I had the absolute pleasure of attending the She Recovers conference in Beverly Hills, CA. She Recovers is an amazing community of women that was created by the mother/daughter team of Dawn Strong and Taryn Strong. Their philosophy is that we’re all recovering from something. The women attending this conference are in recovery from a barrage of things; alcohol, drugs, co-dependency, disordered eating and self-harm to name a few.


I wasn’t sure what to expect from this weekend and boy was I pleasantly surprised!

It was way outside my comfort zone to go to an event like this alone, but these days I like to push myself to walk through things that scare me. Because fear can suck it. I’ve never died from attending a large social event alone right??!

This group of 500 women was so welcoming. I was endlessly inspired by not only the speakers, but the attendees. One amazing story after another. Stories of survival and strength, passion and perseverance. Women who recover out loud and help others do the same.

The days began with yoga and breakfast and then went into speaker sessions and panels. All these incredible women sharing their stories of experience, strength and hope.

Cheryl Strayed

Cheryl Strayed

Mackenzie Phillips

Mackenzie Phillips

These two were just a couple of the amazing women present. Amy Dresner (author of My Fair Junkie), Sarah Blondin, Janet Mock, Tara Mohr, Laurie Dhue and so many more.

But aside from the well known names, there were many other ladies there to share their stories and to offer love and compassion. There were tears of joy and tears of pain. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, moms, daughters even grandmothers. Some had lost children to suicide and overdose. Some had made it their purpose in life to speak loudly about their recovery in hopes of saving even ONE person.

In my three and a half years of being in sober recovery I haven’t ever experienced anything quite like this. Inspiring women empowering each other.

Not comparing, not judging, not pitying, but pure unadulterated LOVE.

I’m so grateful I had this experience. And also grateful to learn so many new things to add to my recovery. I’m glad I put my big girl panties on and went even though I felt nervous and intimidated. This is how I grow. I just DO stuff.

I walked away from this experience with new friends, new experiences, new meditations, some gorgeous mala beads, lots of essential oils, a new appreciation for yoga and some of the greatest memories of my life. A bunch of women coming together for a common purpose is a GLORIOUS thing.

There is definitely strength in numbers!
